Week of Sept. 16 -20, 2013

6th Grade 

Thanks to all, your folklore portfolios were very well presented!

This week we will start our instrumental performance with the guitar. If  it is possible, each student will have to bring a guitar to practice in class.  

We will study the guitar parts and its origin and evolution in america. 

7th Grade 
("C" scale quiz, Thu. Sept. 19) 

Will continue with "C" scale  fingers                                                  position on the guitar. 

8th Grade 
Students will start playing simple piano music scores. Each student MUST bring the score to EVERY CLASS to practice. 

The paper will be sign up once a week only if the student is rehearsing properly during class.  If the student has at least 4 signatures, he/she will present the song to obtain a grade. 

9th Grade 
(stomp routine due date:Sept. 27) 

Students will work on STOP MUSIC. 
1. They will create a stomp routine using something non           conventional  the musical instruments. (Like the example provided in the below video
2. Add movements to the routine 
3. Present the routine to the rest of the class. 


MIDTERM REPORTS were issued last Thursday, September 12. We encourage parents to go over them and discuss them with your child(ren), sign them and send them back to school. If you would like a conference, and one was not requested, please call the school to set up an appointment.
DPTO – The Discovery Parent-Teacher Organization (DPTO) works to help the school fundraiser for projects and provide fun activities for our students, parents, and teachers! Anyone interested in joining and help to organize events is more than welcome to join us, as we meet every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. in the school Cafeteria. We would like to remind all parents of the agreement made by the General Assembly in May 2013, to have all parents donate L. 200 per child to help finance the events and activities organized during the year. You can pay the fee in the Finance Office to Ms. Belgica Varela, or your homeroom teacher. You will receive a receipt from the school. Parents who still have not done so, please fill out our survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Q6QY2VF
MAP FALL TESTING SESSION – Our Map testing session will begin on Monday, September 23. The specific times and dates for our grades will be published in our blogs. Parent cooperation in making sure our students are in school on time is greatly appreciated. 
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER – There will be no school for students on Wednesday, September 25. Teachers will receive in-service sessions with Ms. Judi Fenton.
 INFORMATIVE MEETING WITH PARENTS GRADES 9 – 11: We are inviting grades 9-11 parents to attend a meeting with the school’s Counselor, Ms. Marilis Zambrana, and Ms. Gloria Palacios, Secondary Assistant Principal to discuss college admissions and other pertinent information. The meeting will take place Thursday, September 19 @ 8:15 (school Library).