Week of Sept. 9 -13


Sept. 12, 2013

6th Grade   (Portfolio of Honduran Folklore 
DUE DATE: Sept. 10) 

We will finish the unit on Honduran Folklore by presenting the portfolios on our Independence Celebration. 

7th Grade 

Students will play the "C" scale with their guitars. 

8th Grade 

Students will star playing simple music scores with the keyboard. A beginner level song will be assigned to each student in order to play it in class. 

9th Grade 

Students will continue working on rhythmical lines in order to introduce them into the unit on "STOP MUSIC". 

DPTO - Parents, please take a minute and fill out the short survey for the Discovery School Parent-Teacher Organization.  As you are part of the DPTO, the executive team wants your feedback and ideas on events and focus for the year.  Both parents are encouraged to fill out the survey. The link to fill out the survey is http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Q6QY2VF

FROM THE FINANCE OFFICE – Parents who are not using an automatic debit system with a credit card to pay tution are asked to stop by the Finance Office to obtain their payment cards as soon as posible.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPEMENT IN SEPTEMBER – On September 23, Ms. Judi Fenton is returning to Discovery to follow up on her visit and Professional Development sessions with teachers last year. A schedule will be provided once it is finalized with her. There will be no school on Wednesday, September 25, so teachers can participate in an all-day training.