Week of Sept. 23 - 27

6th Grade 

This week the students will start playing open string exercises with the guitar. 
They will identify the name of each guitar string and the fingering with both hands. 


7th Grade
DUE DATE: Thursday 26
Students will play "D" scale with the guitar. 

8th Grade 
Students will continue playing easy music scores with the keyboard. 

9th Grade
DUE DATE: (stomp choreography, Oc t. 3) 

Ninth graders are working on a STOMP choreograph. They will create movements and rhythmic patters using  non-conventional musical instruments.  

MAP FALL TESTING SESSION – Our Map testing session begins on Monday, September 23. Parent cooperation in making sure our students are in school on time is greatly appreciated. 
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER – There will be no school for students on Wednesday, September 25. Teachers will receive in-service sessions with Ms. Judi Fenton.
DONATIONS NEEDED: “Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” is an organization aiming to help children from public schools that cannot afford notebooks. In order to help, the organization makes notebooks out of cereal boxes and pages from used notebooks. They are now collecting cereal boxes until November 20th, and we encourage our students and teachers to bring cereal boxes from their homes. At the end of the contest, the grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!
BAKE SALE - The Community Service Club will be hosting a bake sale on Thursday, September 26 to raise funds for the annual Christmas party for the orphans from Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos.  Many delicious treats will be available at break and lunch time! Thanks, in advance, for your support!
FLU SEASON: The flu season has arrived, and we feel it is important that parents be aware and on the lookout for flu symptoms. We want to give you some suggestions and guidelines for keeping your child and your family healthy.
1.    One of the first ways of controlling exposure to the flu is to avoid crowds and close contact with others.
2.    If your child is sick with flu symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing), please keep your child home until s/he is symptom free for 24 hours.
3.    We have placed antiseptic handwash and Lysol disinfecting spray in each classroom and office. It is advisable for students to also have their own antiseptic handwash and to use it frequently.
4.    Teachers are reminding their students to wash their hands frequently, cover coughs or sneezes, not share drinking bottles, food, straws, etc., and to use the antiseptic handwash.
Flu Symptoms:  Fever, body aches including headache, fatigue, runny nose, cough and congestion.
What to do if your child has these symptoms:  Contact your doctor; keep your child home until s/he has been symptom free (including having no fever) for at least 24 hours.
By following the above precautions, we are hopeful that we can contain and prevent widespread cases of the flu.