Week of Sept. 3 -7, 2012

MAP Training

One of the items on the School Improvement Plan for the 2012-2013 school year is: Further Develop the use of the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) data to improve student learning.

To meet that goal, we have arranged for a trainer from the Northwest Education Association to come to Tegucigalpa and provide a 3-day training for our teachers. On Wednesday, September 5, Ivonne, Kimmie, Florencia and Ashley J. will attend. On Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7, all of our elementary homeroom teachers and some of the secondary teachers will attend.

There will be NO school for Nursery to Grade 5 on Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7.

Our teachers are making the necessary accommodations in the delivery of the curriculum to make sure that this does not affect the learning of our students. As only a few of the secondary teachers will attend the training,

the Middle and High School students will have classes as normal on Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7.

We thank our parents for their support and understanding in this matter, and encourage anyone who has a question to email our Head of School at

 6th Grade 

We will continue working on our Folkloric Album.
Due date: Sept. 7, 2012

Students will begin with the instrument performance: Recorder flute, sounds B, A, G.

All secondary students will learn the song: “El Bananero” to sing during our Independence Day Celebration, on Sept. 13.

7, 8, 9 Grades

During this week the students will:

   1. Work on their instrumental performance
       7th, Guitar
       8th, Keyboard
       9th, play in ensembles
   2.  Rehearse the song: “El Bananero” to sing during our Independence   Day Celebration, on Sept. 13.