Week of August 27-31, 2012



In our constant quest for growth and excellence, and in following with the recommendations of our 2010 SACS Accreditation Team, our faculty has embraced numerous projects and training to raise the academic level of our curriculum, to incorporate the proven teaching methods into our lessons, to stay current with international teaching practices, and to improve the assessment, reporting, and documentation systems for our students and parents.

Our teachers have been using the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) as a tool for not only validating our school curriculum, but also for adapting levels of instruction, differentiating for our diverse student population, and maximizing student learning in the classroom. On Thursday, September 6 and Friday, September 7 we have arranged for our teachers to participate in an on-site training with a MAP specialist brought down from Northwest Education Association (NWEA). For this training, all Elementary teachers some of the Secondary teachers will attend. Because of that,

there will be NO school for grades Nursery to Grade 5 on Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7.
Our teachers are making the necessary accommodations in the delivery of the curriculum to make sure that this does not affect the instruction of our students. As only a few of the secondary teachers will attend the training,

the Middle and High School students will have classes as normal on Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7.

We thank our parents for their support and understanding in this matter, and encourage anyone who has a question to email our Head of School at debgilespk@yahoo.com

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6TH Grade

We will continue working on our Folkloric Album.
Due date: Sept. 7, 2012

Students will begin with the instrument performance: Recorder flute, sounds B, A, G.

All secondary students will learn the song: “El Bananero” to sing during our Independence Day Celebration, on Sept. 13.

7, 8, 9 Grades

During this week the students will:

   1.  Present their project of the Breathing Mechanism.
   2.  Begin with their instrumental performance
       7th, Guitar
       8th, Keyboard
       9th, play in ensembles
   3.  Learn the song: “El Bananero” to sing during our Independence   Day Celebration, on Sept. 13. 

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Wed. Aug. 29 ..................................  Half Day (A.M. schedule)
Tuesday Sept. 4   ...........................  After School Activities