Week of April 8-12

QUIZ #1QUIZ (Properties of Sound)
5th Grade

During this week students will work on instrumental performance with the recorder. 

Song: Do, Re, Mi from the movie"The Sound of Music" 

Due Date (1st part) 

5B     Friday April 10
5A    Monday April 8

6th Grade

Students will work on instrumental performance with the recorder DUET SONGS. Song: Minuet (J.S.Bach) 

Every student will learn both voices. When the time to present comes, a raffle will indicate which voice to play. 

Due Date (1st. Part) 
April 10

7th Grade

Instrumental performance with Drum Set. 

Students will work on musical notation reading and writing rhythms to be played with the Drum Set. 

Due Date: (Exercises 1, 2) 
April 9

8th Grade 

Instrumental performance with the key board. Students will read easy music scores with both hands. 

Students will have to bring their score to EVERY CLASS in 
order to be signed after presenting their progress to the teacher. By the end of 4 classes the page will be checked to count the signatures and assign a grade. 

9th Grade

Students will learn about the Sound Properties and Their Perception. 

They will visit the following link to read about the topic and answer some questions on line: 

Sound Properties and Their Perception

QUIZ Due Date: 

9A  .............. Thursday  April 11
9B  ..............  Friday    April 12 

QUIZ #1 


The school is currently organizing three important upcoming events. The DPTO FUN RUN, OLYMPIC GAMES, and PANCAKE BREAKFAST, and a school BINGO are being put together to raise funds towards buying TECHNOLOGY for the school The DPTO is also organizing their annual GARAGE SALE. Please check the Administration Blog (available through the website www.discoveryschool.edu.hn) for this week’s Monday Memo for more information. Our parents’ help is much needed and greatly appreciated in making these events successful! 

DPTO Fun Run and Olympic Games April 20
Proceeds to buy TECHNOLOGY for the school.

On Saturday morning, April 20, the DPTO will once again host the annual Fun Run for parents and students of all age. This year, it will be even better, as we are beginning the event with an Olympic torch run, followed by the Fun Run, Parent/Student/Teacher competitions (such as basketball,  volleyball, soccer) archery, and Greek games created and hosted by the Grade 5 students.

The DPTO is also hosting a pancake breakfast at the conclusion of the games. The class that completes the most laps in the Fun Run will have an ice cream party during the following week. More information will be forthcoming in future Monday Memos.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! -- On Wednesday morning, April 10, at 7:30 a.m. in the Cafeteria, there will be a meeting for parents and teachers who want to help us organize and present this opportunity for our families to have some fun and raise money to improve TECHNOLOGY on the campus. 

DPTO Garage Sale May 25

This annual event is always well received and attended by our Discovery families, as well as families in the larger community. It is an opportunity to clean out your closets and sell things you no longer need, or find treasures from others who are selling.  Tables/space can be bought from the DPTO at a very reasonable price. Food and drinks will be available throughout the morning. Come join us! If you are interested in this event, please contact the DPTO at discoverypto@gmail.com

BINGO returns to Discovery May 4

Last year's event that was organized by the Choir parents was such a big success that we want to do it again.

This year, the event will again be organized by parents and the proceeds will be used for TECHNOLOGY to benefit all of our students. In order to be a success, an event like this takes the combined effort of many dedicated individuals.

We need people to organize and/or donate prizes; organize, provide, and/or sell food; print and sell tickets; and handle logistics. Ms. Lourdes Retes has graciously agreed to be the overall organizer for the event--when she or someone else from the school contacts you to help, please be generous with your time, talents, and ideas.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR -- Our first organizational meeting will be held on Thursday, April 11, at 7:00 a.m. in the Cafeteria -- and all great ideas and offers are most welcome! We are asking for at least 2 or 3 parents per grade level to get involved. This will be great fun for our families, and the Bingo will generate income -- Bingo for Technology!

If you cannot attend the meetings or help organize gifts, food, etc., please consider making a donation to this worthy cause. We will keep our parents informed of how the money is spent. A Technology Committee will be formed this week to identify our goals and provide the energy and impetus for moving forward. If you would like to be part of the team that spends the money--please email Ms. Giles at debgilespk@yahoo.com  and let her know. 

$$$$$  Below are approximate costs of things we would like to purchase for the overall improvement of the school and enhancement of the learning experience for our students.

  1. Technology - Laptop Computer - $800 - $1,000 -- we need laptops for teachers to check out for students to use with presentations
  2. Mimio (or 'smart') board - $850 - wouldn't it be great to have one per classroom! (Maybe the parents in a grade level would like to go together and buy this for their children's class)
  3. LCD Projector - $800 -- for use with the laptops or Mimios
  4. Plasma TV - $500 - $600 -- this could be connected to a laptop
  5. Electronic Tablet - $400 - $750 -- this could be connected to a projector
  6. Artificial Turf for the area beside the cafeteria -- It is impossible to keep grass on this area, and the dust is unhealthy for the children who play soccer during breaks or just walk across the field area when going between classes. A preliminary estimate on the cost of quality artificial turf is approximately $20,000.
  7. Sound system - Instead of renting a sound system for events, we would like to buy our own. The cost for this is not yet known.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! If you have access to better pricing for any of the above, if you would like to donate anything toward these purchases, if you would like to purchase something during your summer travels and bring it back to the school, or if you have other ideas to help move our school forward in Technology, please contact either Ms. Giles (debgilespk@yahoo.com) or Efrain Ochoa in Finance (dsadministration@discoveryschool.edu.hn) and we will be happy to have your input and help.