Students will continue working with the recorders. They are playing the song "Do, Re, Mi" from the Sound of Music.
Due Date (1st part)
5B Friday April 19
5A Monday Apri 17
They will also work on musical notation , writing musical notes and figures in the staff.
6th Grade
DUET SONGS with recorder.
Every student will learn both voices. When the time to
present comes, a raffle will indicate which voice to play.
Due Date (2nd. Part)
Friday April 19
7h Grade
Instrumental performance with Drum Set.
Students will work on musical notation reading and writing rhythms to be played with the Drum Set.
Due Date: (Exercises 3, 4)
April 18
They will also work with minor chords with the guitar.
8th Grade
Instrumental performance with the key board. Students will
read easy music scores with both hands.
read easy music scores with both hands.
On Thursday april 18, students will submit their musical score to check the 4 signatures and to present the song.
9th Grade
9th Grade
- SCHOOL PICTURES: If you did not order your child’s picture, do not worry! You still have time to do it. You can either pick up the form from Carolina (Receptionist) or access the form through the Monday Memo. Just print and fill out the Order Form and send it to Carolina along with the money.
- MINUTA FRIDAY: This Friday, April 19 the school will be selling minutas during lunch and after school. Cost: Lps. 25.
- DPTO Fun Run and Olympic Games -Proceeds to buy TECHNOLOGY for the school. On Saturday morning, April 20, the DPTO will once again host the annual Fun Run for parents and students of all age. This year, it will be even better, as we are beginning the event with an Olympic torch run, followed by the Fun Run, Parent/Student/Teacher competitions (such as basketball, volleyball, soccer) archery, and Greek games created and hosted by the Grade 5 students. You can either pick up the pledge form from Carolina (Receptionist) or access the form through the Monday Memo. Just print and fill out the Pledge Form, collect the money, and bring both with you to the Fun Run.
- BINGO returns to Discovery! - Proceeds to buy TECHNOLOGY for the school. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 4! Lunch will be sold for all attending families, friends and guests starting at 11:00 a.m. and the grand BIGO will begin at 1:30 p.m. PARENT COLLABORATION IS NEEDED in donating prizes for this event. Please contact Ms. Ivonne Casco or Ms. Nora Sierra if you can help by donating gifts.
- DISCOVERY ZONE 4 – Our amazing Summer Camp is back, beginning June 9. To enroll your child(ren), you can either pick up the form from Carolina (Receptionist) or access the form through the Monday Memo. Just print and fill out the form and return it to Carolina. Great discounts are available—contact Cristiana Banegas ( for details.