We are working hard to present beautiful performances in our famous SongFest. Join us this December 18 at 6:00 p.m.
It will be spectacular!!!

Fifth Grade:

1. The human voice.

2. Practice the song “When The Saints Go Marching In” to obtain
    the blue belt of the Recorder Karate method.
    Quiz on Tuesday 13 for 5A and on Monday 12 for 5B  

3. Practice the choreography of the song “Somewhere Over the
     Rainbow” for the songfest presentation.    

Sixth Grade:

1. Start practicing the Honduran National Anthem with the
2. Practice the song “Hakuna Matata” from the movie
    The Lion King.     

Seventh Grade:

1. Practice the main theme of the movie “Star Wars”, with the
    guitar, for songfest.
Quiz on Thursday, Nov.15

Eighth Grade:

1. Continue working with the keyboard. Every student will play
     a short song with both hands.
     Quiz on Thursday, Nov. 15

2. Practice the song “We go together” from the movie “Grease”
    for the songfest.

Ninth Grade:

1. Students will make music out of unusual sources. They will practice rhythmical patterns with non-musical instruments to create  “Stop Rhythms” for the song fest presentation. 

2. Practice their song in ensemble.  
Quiz on Thursday, Nov. 15 for 9A and Monday 12 for 9B. 

Friday, November 16 (No School) 

Thursday 22 and Friday 23, November