is coming and we will start talking about it this week. Students and music teachers will decide what to do and how to put in scene framed in 
Disney movies themes.

Fifth Grade:

1. Practice the recorder song “It´s raining” to obtain the green
    belt of the Recorder Karate method.
    Quiz on Thursday 18

Audio Recordings of Recorder Karate Songs for Practice
(user name: karate, password: rubric) 

2. Practice the songs “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “We
    are off to Visit the Wizard of Oz” from the movie 
   “The Wizard of Oz” to rehearse for the songfest.   

Sixth Grade:

1. Practice the TITANIC song with the recorder.
Please click on the following link to see the scores and also
  listen the track. 

2. Practice the songs “Hakuna Matta” and “The Circle of Life”
    from the movie “The Lion King” to rehearse for the songfest.  

Seventh Grade:

1. Practice harmonic circles with major chords using the guitar
2. Learn the main theme of the movie “Star Wars”, with the
    guitar, for the songfest

Eighth Grade:

1. Continue working with the keyboard. Every student will play
     a short song with both hands.
2. Practice the song “We go together” from the movie “Grease”
    for the songfest.

Ninth Grade:

1. Work on their instrument as part of a musical group.  Every
    group will select a popular song to practice and play in class.
2. Practice “Stop Rhythms” for the song fest presentation.