Fifth Graders will:
1. Practice the recorder song “It´s Raining” to obtain the green belt of the Recorder Karate method.
2. Musical notation: write B, A, G, F, E musical notes on the staff.
3. Take musical dictation.
Sixth Graders will:
1. They will continue with instrumental performance using the recorder. Sounds F, E, D, C.
2. Read some first sight exercises with B, A, G notes.
3. They will play TITANIC song. Please click on the following link to see the scores and also listen the track.
Seventh Graders will:
1. Continue working with the guitar. (Major chords)
2. Reading and writing musical notation.
2. Reading and writing musical notation.
Eighth Graders will:
1. Continue working with the keyboard. Every student will play a short song with both hands.
2. Musical notation. Students will write and read simple music scores.
Ninth Graders will:
1. Work on their instrument as part of a musical group. Every group will select a popular song to practice and play it in class.
2. Musical notation. Students will write and read simple music scores.