Week of August 12-16, 2013

6th Grade

Students will study  the types of Honduran Folklore, to elaborate a portfolio with illustrations.

1. Social Folklore
2. Spiritual Folklore
3. Material Folklore 

7th Grade

Students will initiate their instrumental performance with the guitar

8th Grade 

Students will initiate their instrumental performance with the keyboard.

9th Grade 

DPTO EVENT – Parents’ and Teachers’ Night Out! Mark your Calendars
The Discovery Parent Teacher Organization will host a fun get-together for parents and teachers (especially for those new to the school) next Friday, August 16 at Ibiza Restaurant in Col. San Ignacio, from 7:30 p.m. onwards. Ten percent (10%) of the proceeds  will be donated to the school! Invitation and further details will be sent by the DPTO via email next week. We hope all our parents and teachers will be able to join us!
GENERAL ASSEMBLY – Discovery School parents are invited to attend the General Assembly that will take place on Saturday, August 24 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the School Cafeteria. Important matters such as a suggested revision to our school calendar, budget information, an update on the status of the Concrete Plant, and school-wide implications of MAP data will be addressed. YOUR ATTENDANCE IS CRUCIAL—we need a quorum of 1/3 of our parents (55 parents) for the meeting to be considered a legal meeting of our school Association. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending.  Teachers who have students enrolled at Discovery are required to attend; other teachers are encouraged to attend to stay informed about school activities.