Week of Aug. 26 -30

6th Grade 
Students will continue working on the unit of Honduran Folklore. 
Oral and Narrative folklore.

Students are working on a Folklore Portfolio, which will show all types of the Honduran folklore through examples and illustrations. 

To do this in class, they will need the following:

  1. Bring pictures and illustrations about each type of folklore 
  2. Bring construction paper, scissors, glue stick , markers and any other school supply to decorate the portfolio. 
DUE DATE: Sept. 10 (6A, B) 

In the address below, you may find examples of each type of folklore which can be place in the portfolio project. 

To find Honduran Folk instruments, click on the following link

7th Grade 

1. Students are working on open strings exercises with the guitar. 
2. We are also studying music for around the word. 

Based on Tuesday (Aug.20th)  class, students need to answer the following questions on African Music. To refresh your memory, see the following power point:   

1. List 5 African instruments 
2. Give at least 3 characteristics of African Music
3. Which is the African Music purpose?
4. Name the African  Instruments categories
5. What is syncopation?  

Send it through engrade no later than Thursday 29. 

8th Grade 
Students will continue working on instrument performance with the KEYBOARD.

C scale with both hands. 

9th Grade  
(QUIZ about musical notes and symbols on Thursday 29)

Students will work on musical symbols and notes. They will take musical dictation identifying each note on the C scale. 

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY – As stated in our school calendar, the last Wednesday of every month is assigned for Teacher Professional Development. This Wednesday, August 27 is an early dismissal day for students (11:45 a.m.). We appreciate parents picking their child(dren) up promptly so our teachers can attend the professional development that has been planned for that day.

ECOFRIENDLY LUNCH DAY - Discovery students are aiming to be more "green" by recycling and reducing our waste production.  To promote this effort, the 10th grade Environmental Science students will be hosting Ecofriendly Lunch Day on Thursday, August 29th.  During recess, there will be games, activities, and prizes that will encourage students to pack a waste-free lunch.  Previous to this, environmental science students will be visiting classrooms to promote waste reduction and recycling.  Parents please join with us in this effort and help your student pack a waste-free lunch each day.  For more information about waste-free lunches, please see http://www.wastefreelunches.org/