Week of May 20 -24, 2013


  As announced in our General Assembly, the Discovery School Choir has been invited by The Distinguished Concert International New York (DCINY) to participate in their Choral Music for Treble Voices

The event will take place on June 2014 at the Carnegie Hall in New York City, one of the most famous Concert Halls in the entire world! 

Congratulations to our outstanding Choir members, supporting parents and dedicated choir directors!

5th Grade
Students will learn about the human voice classification and will listen to some examples in order to identify each one.

6th Grade 
Students will work on instruments of the orchestra. Percussion Family. They will listen to some examples in order to identify each instrument of the family. 

7th Grade 
Guitar chords. They will accompany different rhythms listening to some basic drum set and bass patterns. 

8th Grade 
Students will work with the keyboard playing melodies with both hands. 

9th Grade 
Students are playing rhythmic lines using the drum set to stimulate their coordination. 

  • GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Thank you to those of you who attended and participated in last night's General Assembly. Thanks, also, to the teachers who remained at school for the Assembly, and to the DPTO for their participation and presentation. Unfortunately, there were not enough parents present to make our required quorum of 1/3 of our families. Therefore, as required by our By-Laws, we have to schedule another General Assembly. That General Assembly will be held onThursday, May 23, 2013, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria.
On the Agenda are:
Approval of the Budget
Approval of the school calendar
Election of 3 new Board members (current candidates are Wendy Willemsen, Wendolyn Sanchez, Arnaldo Palma, and Erica Herrera)
Discussion of the Cement Plant that is being built near the school (we will provide Separate denuncia forms for each family to sign. a petition that will be signed by all parents who want to sign it.
Discovery School is parent-owned, and this is your opportunity to make a real difference in the life and future of your child's school. With your participation and support, we believe we can stop this cement plant. However, without that commitment from all of our families, it will much more difficult to raise the level of awareness and concern about it.
The DPTO is supporting the General Assembly by offering a PIZZA PARTY to the grade who has the highest percentage of attendance from their parents!PLEASE JOIN US AT 6:00 P.M. ON THURSDAY, MAY 23 IN THE CAFETRIA--LET'S AIM FOR A QUORUM OF AT LEAST 2/3 OF OUR FAMILIES (115 FAMILIES).

  • CUENTA CUENTOS – The Spanish Department worked on a Fluency and Reading Project during this school year. To conclude it, they will present a “Story Teller Show” on Friday, May 31st at 8:50 in our school gym. The cost of the activity is L. 50.00 per students, which have to be brought to Ms. Marisela or Ms. Norma, no later than Wednesday May 29th. Parents are invited to attend at no additional cost!

  • DISCOVERY IDOL - Auditions will be held on May Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd at the MUSIC ROOM ON recess and lunch time.
**An amount of L. 50.00 will be charge to each participant in order to by MEDALS for 1st, 2ND and 3rd places.
**We will select one student or group to represent each grade. The rest of the students will support their classmates during the show.
**ONLY SINGING performances will audition, no instrumental or dancing performances will be included this year.

  • DPTO GARAGE SALE – The DPTO will be hosting an Open Garage Sale on Saturday, June 1. The price per stand is L.500.00 please contact the DPTO officers for further information or email discoverypto@gmail.com .
  • DISCOVERY ZONE 4 – Our Summer Camp is back, beginning June 10. If you are interested in enrolling your child(ren) please stop by the office to pick up the registration form or access the form on our website (www.discoveryschool.edu.hn)  Great discounts are available!