Week of Jan. 28 to Feb. 1

              OPERA SEASON 
             IS IN TOWN!!! 

Students on grades 5 to 12 will attend the Manuel Bonilla  Theatre on March 5 to watch the 
                            opera: LA TRAVIATA.  

5th,6th Grade

Will work on "The Opera Book" . This book will contain the most important aspects of the Opera as a classical musical genre. They will have to present the book by Feb. 1st


Periods in Music History 
Students will present about the assigned composer. 

7th........   Tuesday 29th 
8th........   Monday 28th 

9th Grade

Popular genres 
Students will continue their presentations about the assigned genre.

a comedy by Mr. Fenn. 
Opening night – Friday, March 1st, 7:00 pm. 
Saturday matinee on March 2nd, 1:00pm.

Two college student janitors are stuck in a therapy group meeting and one of them, a reader of Shakespeare, ends up being the facilitator because the real group leader is running late.  The therapy group is a room full nuts: one believes she is a CIA operative, another makes bodily noises, then there’s the hypochondriac and the narcoleptic, and the sarcastic girl, and finally, the one who cries over everything.  Of course, a comedy wouldn’t be complete without an exploding toilet.

Tickets: Prime (1st 5 rows) – Lmp. 120, adult, Lmp. 80, student. General – Lmp.100, adult, Lmp.70 student. Back (cement steps) – Lmp. 80 adult, Lmp. 50 student.