Week of Aug. 25 -29, 2014

6th Grade
(DUE DATE: Folkloric album Sept. 12) 

1. Types of Honduran  Folklore: Oral, Narrative, Linguistic , Spiritual and Material. 
Students are working in class to prepare the album. They can also work at home. This is an individual project and it needs to be handwritten. 
Students can find information on the following books. Some of them will be provided in class. 

FIND THE EBOOKS in the following links: 

Folklore y Educación (Jesús Muñoz Tábora)

Instrumentos Autóctonos de Honduras (Jesús Muñoz Tábora)

Canasta Folklorica (Eduardo Sandoval) 

2. Guitar basics: Guitar parts, guitarist posture, guitar fingering. 

7th Grade 

1. Musical instruments Families:  String, Wind and Percussion. 

8th Grade

1. Diatonic scales in piano.

9th Grade

1. Instrumental groups: Small band, Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, Folk Band. Instruments in each one.