( Guitar questionnaire DUE: Thursday 14(6B) Friday 15 (6A)
1. Guitar origins. Students will watch the following video to discuss it class and after that will answer this questionnaire:
The History of Acoustics Guitars
1. Where does the word guitar comes from?
2. Name at least three ancient civilizations
where the guitar ancestors has been
3. When
does the guitar ancestor began to evolve into the modern guitar shape.
4. During which year the guitar started to work with six strings?
4. During which year the guitar started to work with six strings?
5. What was Antonio Torres' contribution to the guitar history?
6. What was Christian Marvin' s contribution to the guitar making in America? 7th Grade
1. Guitar performance . Harmonic circles with major chords.
8th Grade
( Piano history paper DUE: Wed. 13 though engrade)
1. Watch the video and write your own summary.
9th Grade
1. Music elements: Rhythm, Melody and Harmony.
2. Musical groups (Duets, trios, small bands)