Week of Jan. 6 -10, 2014

6th Grade

  • Students will work on harmonic circles using major and minor chords like C- Am- Dm - G7. 
  • They will use different rhythms such as 1(1), 1(2), 1(3) which indicates how many times will play the bass and the strum. 
7th Grade 

Students will work on reading simple music scores for duets with the guitar. This small pieces will be played with another partner. 

8th Grade

 Students will work on popular musical genres. Each student will make an exposition  on a famous popular singer and will describe the genre he/she represents. 

9th Grade

Students will start instrumental performance as a band. We will form small ensembles to perform in class. 


SECOND QUARTER REPORT CARDS AND CONFERENCES – Report Cards for the second quarter will be issued on Friday, January 17. Conferences for this quarter are on a need basis, and notices will be sent home on Monday, January 13. If a parent does not receive a notice from a teacher but would like to meet for a conference, please contact the teacher to set up a time for the afternoon of Friday, January 17. Students will be dismissed at 11:45 a.m, and conferences will be held from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
HOLIDAY – There will be no school on Monday, January 20 in recognition of the contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
MAP TESTING – Our second MAP testing session will take place from Tuesday, January 21 to Friday, February 10.  
For Grades 4 and up:
NEW LATE WORK POLICY – To provide our students with consistency between the different grade levels, from Grade 4-12, the school has adopted a new policy for late work that goes into effect on January 7, 2014, as follows:
Beginning in January 2014, the following will be in effect for all students in Grades 4-12:
For Grades 6-12) To be regarded on time, work must be submitted to the teacher before 8:00 a.m. on the day that it is due.  This has proven to be effective in preventing students from copying homework from another student during the day.
For All Classes in Grades 4-12:
Due Date: 100% of grade (work must be complete and correctly done)
1 Day Late:  70% of grade
2 Days Late: 0 credit
Long-term Assignments (made at least 2 weeks in advance) are due the day of your return from an excused absence
Free Pass:  The teacher may give each student one late pass per quarter, at the teacher's discretion. This would allow for the work to be turned in 1 day late (complete and correctly done) for full credit. If the assignment is 2 days late, it would receive 70% credit. If it is 3 days late, there would be no credit.
Mandatory Completion of Work:  In order to ensure that the student does not miss essential knowledge and skills, the teacher may require that the student complete an assignment even if s/he will receive no credit. 
Excused Absence:  One day to submit make-up work is allowed for each day that was missed. If turned in after that period of time, the above guidelines apply.
If you have any questions, please discuss these with the Area Administrators or with your student’s teachers.